We have invested in a piece of local farmland that we will forest - we call it “rice Happy Earth”. We have always said “People care - we care”, and with the actual climate situation, we also need to care for the planet. We do it by heart and want to inspire others.
rice Happy Earth is hard evidence in a world full of words. It’s specific, physical, and present. It’s a long-term project, but all journeys start with one step - We start now!
We transform 36 hectares of land into forest.
65.000 trees will be planted near rice HQ.
20 different species of trees and bushes.
4,2 km of fence will protect the young trees from the deer.
6000m2 of wildflowers will be planted every 3rd year.
7 ponds will secure water for the animals in the summer period.
What do we do?
Our forest is a protected area without con- ventional cultivation, we can avoid chemicals seeping into the groundwater. This will contribute to achieving UN Sustain- able Development Goal 6 as it will protect and improve the quality of our water-related ecosystems and ensure access to clean and sustainable water for all.
In 2018, RICE endorsed the Ocean Plastics Charter (G7 Summit 2018). We use these tools as guidelines for implementing measur- able future goals according to the protection of the environment. To help ensure a plastic pad free ocean.
Point 13 refers to UN Sustainable Develop- ment Goal 13. We have invested in a piece of farmland to transform it into a forest called RICE Happy Earth. We will plant 65,000 trees, 20 different species. By transforming farmland into a forest, we are creating a natural way to store carbon and help mitigate the effects of climate change.
We have seven ponds, two of which are de- signed for birds and five for salamanders, frogs etc. As part of our commitment to biodiversity and UN Sustainable Development Goal 15, we will be planting 6,000 square meters of wild- flowers every third year. We want to increase habitat diversity, support the local ecosystem, and contribute to the protection and restora- tion of the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
rice Happy Earth is a concrete and locally anchored physical proof of how rice by rice as a company takes responsibility for future challenges regarding climate and biodiversity. With rice Happy Earth, we make our climate and biodiversity efforts tangible and present down to the local level.
The forest and flowers are visible and concrete. You can see rice Happy Earth with your own eyes, smell the flowers, and feel the trees. rice Happy Earth is ’hard evidence in a world full of words.’
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